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A member registered Apr 12, 2018

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This game is fun.

I like the look of it and its soothing to play. Well done.

Things that made it less fun:

  1. Combined inventory- If you tap into a water source and your plant fills up with water it can become impossible to make room for sugar. The plant can sustain itself like this but you can't do anything. Having sugar and water using separate inventories might help. Or having the choice to pick things up instead of automatically
  2.  Maintaining roots- If you dig deep to find a fountain that you transport up to the surface then you have to manually go down and provide more sugar otherwise the roots die
  3. No way to destroy tiles- Particularly troublesome with transport tiles
  4. No way to move sugar around - The fruit only take sugar from nearby and sugar doesn't diffuse so you have to manually move all the sugar to the fruit.

I made a fairly simple plant that grew up to the CO2 rich air with about 5 leaves on top surrounding tissue with the fruit inside. Transport carried water up there and it ran itself. I then made a second shoot to provide sugar for the long transport root to a fountain. After that I just had to continuously feed the transport roots with sugar. I got bored once the fruit got to about 200 sugar but it was steadily increasing.

Seems like it might be more intuitive to not play as a little bean running around inside the plant and instead as a mouse based game.

I could go on with other things but I don't want to be too critical as I really did enjoy the game. I've been playing it for a few hours now which is why I've noticed these things.